1. In the upper right corner of any page you can see menu icon. Click on it to open megamenu and use "Register" button to create a user account. Alternatively, to go directly to the account creation page, click on the following URL: https://camelpharm.com/en-gb/accounts/login/
2. To create a user account, click on the "Register" tab:
- Complete your email
- Create a password
- Confirm your password
- Click on the Register button
You can read the notification which confirms that you are going to receive a confirmation email.
3. To validate your registration, you must open your mailbox and click on the registration confirmation link sent by info@camelpharm.com. Please check your SPAM folder if you do not find the account confirmation email.
In the confirmation email, click on the registration confirmation link or you can also copy and paste the link into your browser's address bar. After clicking the confirmation link, you are redirected to the CamelPharm website.You can read the notification which confirms that you are registered on the camelpharm.com website.
4. After clicking on the confirmation link, you will receive a second email confirming that your user account is successfully created on camelpharm.com website.
You can start using the website with all its features.